Monday, 12 November 2012

Maya Pirate Ship Done

Model of ship I completely a while ago.

Zbrush - Fantasy Dragon - Day 3

Changed wings to make it look better. Added muscle features using the ClayBuildUp brush and then smooth over it to give it a nice effect. Added scales and claws. Used a sphere and some deformation (taper, gravity) to make the basic shape of claw and Standard brush and Formsoft brushed to help add extra. For scales I used a rectangle, moved parts down and then Standard brush again.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Zbrush - Fantasy Dragon - Day 2

Tutorial 6
Wings on. Appended ZSphere to model and drew shape of wings. Masked parts that would be jagged or be holes, inverted the mask, extracted it and got new wings with holes and jagged edge

Friday, 21 September 2012

Zbrush - Modelling an Ant - Day 1

Day 1 - Ant in Zbrush
Made the basic shape outline of the ant using zspheres. Started scuplting the outline of the body

First Animation in 3ds max

Using the model from the previous post I made my first animation with the help of the walk cycle in 3ds max

Thursday, 20 September 2012

First 3ds Max Tutorial

This is the first thing i did in 3ds max for college. It is a low poly person with an army pilot style helmet on.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Urban Environment - Day 1

New Project, working on making an urban environment alleyway. Added basic shapes, made manhole, paths and starting details on first building.

Monday, 14 May 2012

First Maya Model - Dinosaur Day 5

Tutorial 37
Day 5. Imported to zbrush. Sculpted around head and neck

First Maya Model - Dinosaur Day 4

Tutorial 32
Day 4. Modelled gums and teeth. Added ridges along top of head. Checked to see if there was any triangles or n-gons before I export this and import it to zbrush. Dino - Tutorial 32

Saturday, 12 May 2012

First Maya Model - Dinosaur Day 3

Tutorial 22
Day 3. Finished modelling the head, eyes and ridge above eyes. Mirrored the dino. Dino - Tutorial 22

Friday, 11 May 2012

First Maya Model - Dinosaur Day 2

Tutorial 16
Day 2. On tutorial 16 Dino -Tutorial 16. Muscle added to back and front leg. Started head. Refined knuckles. Added tendons to back of leg

Thursday, 10 May 2012

First Maya Model - Dinosaur Day 1

Dinosaur Up to tutorial 11
First model in autodesk maya after 1 day. Tutorial here Dino - Tutorial 11. Make body, legs, arms, hands and feet. Wrinkles under arm and leg. Slightly extruded along centre of body to give more depth to it