Tuesday 1 October 2013


Basic model in Maya. Imported to ZBrush to make textures and normal maps

Sunday 22 September 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Jet Complete

The jet is modelled, UV mapped, textured, rigged, animated, nParticles, and lighting

Sunday 28 July 2013

Remote Control Toy Car Complete

Texture on the car are from the Digital Tutors tutorial and not made by myself.

Remote Control modelling:

Car modelling:
Body is a cube extruded
Car Cover is a duplicate of the body with most faces removed and some of the remainder extruded
Spring is a helix around 2 cylinders
Tires are a CV curve then revolved
Tire Threads are a NURBS plane with the edge rows pulled down and the special duplicate
Spoiler Middle Part is a CV Curve duplicated and then lofted
Spoiler Ends are CV Curves extruded
Undercarriage is a  box extruded and mirrored
Inner Wheel is 2 cylinders, with them group and a bridge between 2 faces

Monday 12 November 2012

Maya Pirate Ship Done

Model of ship I completely a while ago.

Zbrush - Fantasy Dragon - Day 3

Changed wings to make it look better. Added muscle features using the ClayBuildUp brush and then smooth over it to give it a nice effect. Added scales and claws. Used a sphere and some deformation (taper, gravity) to make the basic shape of claw and Standard brush and Formsoft brushed to help add extra. For scales I used a rectangle, moved parts down and then Standard brush again.

Friday 9 November 2012

Zbrush - Fantasy Dragon - Day 2

Tutorial 6
Wings on. Appended ZSphere to model and drew shape of wings. Masked parts that would be jagged or be holes, inverted the mask, extracted it and got new wings with holes and jagged edge